Monday 4 July 2016

0.3.0 - Small update that does much.

Hello, everyone! First of all, I'd like to thank everyone for your comments on previous update, it really motivates me to work on The Dark Lord Rises - not to mention every mistake you help me deal with brings the game closer to my (and hopefully, yours) ideal.
As usual, after major content update comes one focused on bugfixing. Fortunately, it seems that 0.2.9 didn't have as many of bugs as previous releases, therefore I was able to add something you asked me for to the game.
Yes, finally - The Dark Lord Rises offers option to change difficulty level! At the beginning of your game, you are offered choice between normal difficulty (everything roughly as it was in 0.2.9) and easy one (which makes fights significantly easier). If you want to change your mind, similar option is available in the menu.
Please note though, game isn't, and never will be balanced around easy difficulty. Some fights and areas are designed so that player doesn't win/try to pick up a fight with certain enemies, but on easy, such "unwinnable" fights might in fact end with player victory and break the game. You have been warned.
Also, if you import your save from 0.2.9, please do not forget to set difficulty setting in menu, otherwise game might CTD during your next fight.

Version 0.3.0 is available for download HERE. RTP VX Ace required.



  1. It's nice of you to give us this. By the way, I can't help but feel like I'm missing something in the school part of the game. One day there's an event where the bank is robbed, the brothers arguing about what shop there is, Mr. Pebble and his friend are angry about a clown doin fire breathing... is there an event each day or did I miss a few? If so, do they make a major difference?

  2. While helping Earldred decide who gets the inheritance, after talking to the boy once he no longer moves anymore. After finding out from the cousin that he was going through ledgers (after investigating the receipt you find), it says that you need to find one more hint to understand Alfard, but that's where I hit a dead end. Is his not moving around keeping me from finding the last hint? I've been able to result in Alfard receiving the inheritance as well as the earl's sister, but can do nothing with the daughter other than find some religious texts in her room (which gets me nowhere).

    1. Was able to figure this out, that I was missing a key party member. The h-scene for the daughter seems to have a lot of it that gets cut off by the screen. A few other things I noticed were that you can avoid the first fight at Fort Rayal (before you actually go inside) by simply walking through the side walls. When you stop at the inn on the way to Dauffin, if you immediately turn around and try to leave, it acts as if you've slept for the night and beaten the eco-terrorists already and continues on with the main story. The new scenes seems to scroll at a noticeably faster rate that the earlier ones, I wasn't able to completely keep up with the text with the one in Tristan and missed some of what was said.

      On a separate note, it might be a good idea to change the picture diary to more of a journal or something where you can not only view the pictures, but also reply previously viewed scenes (though I realize it wouldn't remember scenes retroactively, and would require players to restart the game in order to get the replay data, just like with the pictures).

    2. Oops, I didn't mean Tristan at the end of that first part of text, I meant Trisk. Also, the Old Axe that you get as a reward for helping Tristan doesn't show up anywhere in my inventory (including key items).

  3. Trying to interact with the piano in Trist results in the following error which results in the game crashing: "Script 'trudnosc' line 94: TypeError occurred. nil can't be coerced into Fixnum"

    1. You need to choose difficulty level in the menu.

  4. so my game keeps crashing after every h-scene.... it sais
    Script Game_Interpreter line 1411: nomethodError occured

    1. ya getting stuck everywhere due to that problem :/ pls help

    2. pls help...... still stuck lol. I cant seem to ditch that error and I don't want to start again lol. tried reinstalling, in and out of fullscreen.

    3. I've tried to replicate this bug and for now my conclusion is that it only affects old savegames. Unfortunately, it seems there is no other solution than starting a new game (remember, you can skip first arc by talking to old guy in front of Renan's house)

    4. I see, I thank you for at least trying :)... and it would be an insult to the game to restart it half assed! I shall redo it all! thanks again for taking the time out of your busy schedule to help this pleb with his problem :P

  5. Again thanks for the great advance, i played it all and don't got any bug or errors so, for me the game is running perfectly. I liked very much the ending and i'm really hoping to see a sequel soon, thanks for the great game and keep the good work!!!

  6. Okay, so just played the game, thanks to all those at Hongfire for advise on how to proceed. The wandering around the forest was the only really frustrating part with all the invisible walls from, I'm assusming trees and or other obstacless that I could not see.

    I can't wait for an update, you've done a great job on the story!
