So!, three months has passed since last update and I'd like to give you guys quick update on how things are progressing with next update. And there lot to update!
First thing, next update will be a big one - basically, entire second part of Act 3, meaning at the end, we will finally leave Ugovarti! I put some work on fighting encounters, so they are more fun and tactical - they play major part in climax of the story. I'm also trying to put in some additional H-scenes, since right now I have only three, kinda low number for such large update.
Right now, I think I have 80% of the planned content already implemented, but none tested. If I had to estimate, I'd guess 0.3.4 will come around late October/early November. Fortunately, my situation has steadily improved and while I still cannot put as much time as I want into this project, I am making steady progress - and that's what matters the most.
So, see you in Autumn!