Sunday, 12 August 2018

State of the game - August

Okay, I promised a report of sorts, so here we are. My holidays passed by like a fly, but at least I managed to achieve a very nice progress during those last two weeks.
Now, let me split my report into three parts:

A) STORY is around 60% done. However, first release should contain way more content than entire Ugovarti arc for TDLR, even after necessary cuts. Basic structure resembles Marania act, except the plot is more intervened and tightly knit. The main storyline follows a succession war in a certain kingdom, amidst which Renan and his friends will discover a very nefarious plot. Also, release will also contain alternative ending to the story, giving Renan's journey an early, satisfying finish.

B) MECHANICS are done in only around 30%. Unfortunately, one of the plugins I relied on decided to stop working for me, and now I have to design an workaround. Overall however, as I mentioned in a previous post, the game will differ somewhat from usual RPG maker experience; character progression is a bit more flat, equipment matters greatly, there's also some crafting. Experience can be only obtained from completed quests, and some of them have alternative, less battle-heavy route.
For those who disliked economy of TDLR, there's also much more currency being thrown at player, as well as reliable way to replenish HP & MP during the adventure.

C) Only 5% of H-SCENES are done. I usually leave them for the last. There should be around 10-12 scenes, all skippable. 1/3 of them happened during main storyline, 1/3 is a result of player's choices, and 1/3 are a quest rewards. Alternative ending will also contain h-scene.

Overall, I'm quite pleased how much work I managed to do those last two weeks. I believe you can expect release around late December, though it will depend on amount of test runs the game will require. I'll also try to write similar report every month to keep you guys updated. See you next month then!

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