Wednesday, 26 February 2020

Divinion 2.0.1

Hello guys. Here the new update, containing fixes for some issues plaguing last release of Divinion.

- Fixed a bug on a second floor of the Black Tower (if player initially refused to jump, game wouldn't progress on second attempt).
-Rebalanced actor initiative stats. Now at least some of early game fights won't end with enemy barriage right off the bat. To compensate, some mid-game (~lvl 10, so when game starts to get more forgivable) enemies got a slight stat boost.

Here are the download links: MEGA Mediafire

1 comment:

  1. Just came across this and TDLR and really loved them both. I really got sucked into the story and the characters. I enjoyed the RPG gameplay, too, though the miss rate for the characters in Divinion seemed way too high. That aside, I'm really looking forward to the next game.

    One question I have, what's the music that plays in Castle Glendover near the end? I love it but the name "Dark World" from the file hasn't helped me find it online. Shazam didn't help either.
