Thursday, 31 January 2019

State of the Game - January

Hello everyone! I'm on fire today (finally some holidays, yay!) , so I'll make it quick:

-Just now I've finished main story of Divinion. This means I can finally move to some basic testing and applying flavour there and there. There are still some parts of the game (namely, H-scenes, quests related to them and some lore) that require input, but main work is finally done. Yay!

-I realized only now, but Divinion will probably be as long as at least two chapters (so two-thirds) of The Dark Lord Rises. And of higher quality too!

-Writing climax to this arc took me entire two days. It's long, epic and I'll probably have to spend another day just testing it :(

-If you don't remember what happened in TDLR, there's no need to replay the game to remind yourself of characters and lore . There'll be in-game encyclopedia containing interesting bits about characters, locations and other concepts Renan & co. encountered during their adventures.

-Oh right: some members of Alba class will finally make their come back!

That will be all for today. Traditionally, catch some screenshots, just to increase your appetite.