Happy easter!
I've got a confession to make.
Truth be told, ever since I started working on The Dark Lord Rises, I had certain problems writing corruption-related and other "evil" scenes. To put it bluntly, I disliked their, what I perceived, poor quality, how far from my original intent they ended up. I don't know why, maybe it's because of my natural silliness and optimistic nature, but I thought myself unsuited for this kind of content.
Therefore, in the middle of writing Divinion, I decided to change the course a little and get Renan back to the light side. In one of earliest dev diaries I mentioned two planned endings - one "good" and one... "less good". This idea was ultimately scrapped and I've amalgamated both into an ending which ended up in a 0.9.0 release.
Now, when I read comments that being "evil" was the best part of TDLR, I am quite conflicted. On the one hand, it gives me necessary confidence to write darker storylines. On the other, I feel itching need to rewrite final parts of Divinions to add previously removed "Evil" ending, which means more work and delayed final release.
Oh well, screw it. There will be the Evil Ending. Not in 0.9.5 though, because it's simply too much work, and I want to get some bugfixes out ASAP. Keep your saves folder, because it might come handy; getting "good" ending will be necessary to obtain "true" ending.
Also, the story ends in "good" ending, while in "true" ending, storyline will be continued past 1.0.0 release. Just sayin'.
Anyway, here's the download link for 0.9.5.
- Extended epilogue scene to a full "Good Ending".
- Fixed several issues with the new sprites, including dimembered lady Glendover and invisible Priest
- Fixed bug related preventing players from entering Royal Palace in Akerman under certain conditions
- Fixed some broken code related to "The Source of Magic" quest.
- Fixed a bug where Guard skill would be removed too early, making it basically useless.
- Fixed broken variable that allowed players to fight the final boss without going through all the portals. Sorry :P
- Fixed a bug where quest "Divine Right" didn't give out promised experience.
- Lowered TP gain from Multi-Shot. Karin is no longer completely overpowered nuker.
- Corrected movements in several scenes
- Added more clues related to puzzles in Valdir
- Added a few new codex entries, including some rewritten books from TLDR.
- Several minor and one major character (Vanya) received some necessary updates to their sprites and faces.
- Increased save limit to 50 entries.