Saturday, 14 December 2019
State of the Game: 2.0 "Apex" update
Hello guys, long time no see! Forgive me, I really forgot to update you on my progress. A lot has happened since last release, so let me give you quick update on status of the game.
First of all, I had to modify my plans. Initially, I planned Divinion 2.0 to contain entire last arc of the story, and continue from the base game. This had to be scrapped for two reasons:
- Despite my best efforts, I gave up on RPG Maker-style combat. I simply ran out of ideas how to make it fun. Furthermore, most complains about the game were focused on combat and early combat balance. Because of that, I decided to completely redefine my approach to the combat systems.
- I came with quite neat idea about certain gameplay systems, but it's impossible to implement within framework provided by current Divinion.
There's also third reason, though much less important: I'll be switching from HoneySelect to Koikatsu models for H-scenes. They simply fit story and aesthetics of Divinion much, much better.
Therefore, I decided to have last arc of the story to be once again, a separate game - while Divinion's story arc will be finished in a short last chapter that shall come out around New Year's. The update, aside from new content, will also include some tweaks that should make game easier in the early stages.
To be honest, last few months I've been fiddling with a prototype of a different game, - it started as testing ground for a new ideas, but grew so big, I might release it some day. For now, however, I will work to release Divinion 2.0 ASAP - as for wherever I will focus on this new project or dishing out final part of Renan's trilogy, I will decide after Christmas.
Thank you for your patience, and hopefully, see you before 2020.
Saturday, 11 May 2019
Divinion - 1.0.1
Hello guys, I bring you another update. This time it's only bugfixes, since I'm still on a break from development.
Here's the download link.
-Fixed a bug which allowed players to reap rewards from "The Crown of Sunder" indefinitely
-Fixed a bug which prevented further uses of artroscope in Valdir after first, failed attempt
-Fixed a bug in which lady wife in "Full Metal Panic" would not allow the party to leave her house.
-Several other minor bugfixes.
-Added short after-ending scene for patrons, foreshadowing further events :)
Also, regarding issue of Noblesse Oblige that pops up here and there from time to time:
a) No, I am not currently working on that project nor have plans to
b) In fact, I lost HS models for the game some time ago, so I'll basically have to start from the scratch
c) I have very small side-project going on with similar themes (heavy corruption, more serious, but not sentai), and if I were to spend time on something besides Divinion, I'd rather work on that.
Here's the download link.
-Fixed a bug which allowed players to reap rewards from "The Crown of Sunder" indefinitely
-Fixed a bug which prevented further uses of artroscope in Valdir after first, failed attempt
-Fixed a bug in which lady wife in "Full Metal Panic" would not allow the party to leave her house.
-Several other minor bugfixes.
-Added short after-ending scene for patrons, foreshadowing further events :)
Also, regarding issue of Noblesse Oblige that pops up here and there from time to time:
a) No, I am not currently working on that project nor have plans to
b) In fact, I lost HS models for the game some time ago, so I'll basically have to start from the scratch
c) I have very small side-project going on with similar themes (heavy corruption, more serious, but not sentai), and if I were to spend time on something besides Divinion, I'd rather work on that.
Thursday, 2 May 2019
Divinion - 1.0.0
Now, as I've indicated month ago, I've decided it's time to start valuing myself and beg for money allow my precious fans to support my work with some of their hard earned cash. I was never keen on Patreon, which seems main platform for majority of adult content creators, but after some research I've decided in the end that this is the way to go. Bloody taxes. Anyway, if you like my games and have some spare funds lying around, please do consider supporting me.
I hope you'll enjoy the game. As for me, I need some break to refuel my creative juices. For now, I'll take it easy, but you can still expect at least one bugfixing release, which may also contain patreon-exclusive after-credits scene (unrelated to the story).
Sunday, 21 April 2019
Divinion - 0.9.5

Happy easter!
I've got a confession to make.
Truth be told, ever since I started working on The Dark Lord Rises, I had certain problems writing corruption-related and other "evil" scenes. To put it bluntly, I disliked their, what I perceived, poor quality, how far from my original intent they ended up. I don't know why, maybe it's because of my natural silliness and optimistic nature, but I thought myself unsuited for this kind of content.
Therefore, in the middle of writing Divinion, I decided to change the course a little and get Renan back to the light side. In one of earliest dev diaries I mentioned two planned endings - one "good" and one... "less good". This idea was ultimately scrapped and I've amalgamated both into an ending which ended up in a 0.9.0 release.
Now, when I read comments that being "evil" was the best part of TDLR, I am quite conflicted. On the one hand, it gives me necessary confidence to write darker storylines. On the other, I feel itching need to rewrite final parts of Divinions to add previously removed "Evil" ending, which means more work and delayed final release.
Oh well, screw it. There will be the Evil Ending. Not in 0.9.5 though, because it's simply too much work, and I want to get some bugfixes out ASAP. Keep your saves folder, because it might come handy; getting "good" ending will be necessary to obtain "true" ending.
Also, the story ends in "good" ending, while in "true" ending, storyline will be continued past 1.0.0 release. Just sayin'.
Anyway, here's the download link for 0.9.5.
- Extended epilogue scene to a full "Good Ending".
- Fixed several issues with the new sprites, including dimembered lady Glendover and invisible Priest
- Fixed bug related preventing players from entering Royal Palace in Akerman under certain conditions
- Fixed some broken code related to "The Source of Magic" quest.
- Fixed a bug where Guard skill would be removed too early, making it basically useless.
- Fixed broken variable that allowed players to fight the final boss without going through all the portals. Sorry :P
- Fixed a bug where quest "Divine Right" didn't give out promised experience.
- Lowered TP gain from Multi-Shot. Karin is no longer completely overpowered nuker.
- Corrected movements in several scenes
- Added more clues related to puzzles in Valdir
- Added a few new codex entries, including some rewritten books from TLDR.
- Several minor and one major character (Vanya) received some necessary updates to their sprites and faces.
- Increased save limit to 50 entries.
Sunday, 14 April 2019
Divinion - 0.9.4
Hello guys, another day, another update. This one's pretty big, so I'll keep changelog brief.
Download Divinion 0.9.4
- Minor graphical overhaul, including game logo, icon, title screen, taller character sprites, etc. Sprite change is a bit experimental, if you notice any artifacts and blemishes around, please report them in comments.
- Several minor bugs fixed and scenes made to flow better (especially after Valdir)
- Rebelanced inventories of several vendors. Bookshop in Trevir now offers maps.
- Several chests now face a right direction.
- Rebelanced several enemies, including Lich and Agent at Lake.
- Passive skills are no longer visible during battles.
That's it for today. Thank you for playing!
Thursday, 11 April 2019
Divinion - 0.9.3
Hello guys, thank you very much for your patience and comments. Here's the hot update.
Download Divinion 0.9.3
Download Divinion 0.9.3
- Numerous fixes to "Broken Negotiations" quest. If you're stuck (unable to enter Trevir or talk to Ottofried) after completing the embassy, talk to the Fortune Teller near Watchtowers in Akerman. Hopefully there will be no further problems with this quite complicated quest.
- Rudimentarius should no longer block exit route in Academy Dormitories
- Added first, basic enchantments & wards (un-removable equipment augments). Related book is available in bookstore in Trevir. Only equipment acquired after upgrading the version and bearing special icon is suitable for such enchantments.
Tuesday, 9 April 2019
Divinion - 0.9.2 (hotfix)
Greetings again. Another day, another update. This time, only quick hotfix
Download link
This isn't full release, just override three existing files in game folder.
- Made several scenes flow better (Valdir, Restician Embassy)
- Removed a script that caused player to become stuck in Royal Square after prison break.
Monday, 8 April 2019
Divinion - 0.9.1
I think we've already established I'm pretty trendy guy. And what's the hottest trend in gaming industry? Of course, day one patches! So, here you go: patch 0.9.1 for Divinion! This is, of course, a testament to my dedication and work, not a result of shabby QA and lazy testing.
In all seriousness, I give my thanks to those who reported first bugs in the game.
Here's the download link.
- Fixed a bug which allowed players to exit Morgiana Lake prematurely (talk to guy with red hat to move the story along).
- Added set of icons to weapons and armor (indicating wherever they are one- or two- handed, their attack element, and in case of armor - their class). This will work only in items acquired after upgrading to 0.9.1 build.
- Gems attached to staves now work properly. This will also only apply to gems acquired after upgrading to 0.9.1.
- "Invisible" boundary on world map is now visible
- Fixed invisible walls on Royal Square in Akerman (how did THIS elude me during testing is a mystery of ages).
- Fixed a few typos
0.9.1 is obviously save-compatible with 0.9.0. Just move your saves (divinion/www/save) to a corresponding folder in a new build.
Sunday, 7 April 2019
Divinion - RELEASE
Gentlemen (and ladies), after long year of work, I can finally present you:
Gentlemen (and ladies), after long year of work, I can finally present you:
Thankfully, this time I wasn't overly optimistic. Going against current, well, currents :) in h-game development, Divinion offers you 11-13 hours of boring gameplay, convoluted story and shitty erotic scenes. Yes, the game is as long as all previous chapters of The Dark Lord Rises combined.
Why 0.9 then? Because, going along other currents, this time in overall gaming industry, I present you with post-release roadmap of incoming features. So in other words, full 1.0 release, aside from major bugfixes, should include:
- More H-scenes
- Improved graphics (sprites & icons)
- Rebalanced itemization, passive skills and item enchantments
- Two additional quests
- Improved prologue (including short recap of events in TDLR) and after-credits scene.
Also, I'll probably put the game on some service which would allow those kind souls who want to support me (I mean, I kinda spent over 1000 h on this build, let me shill a bit) financially.
Of course, game will remain 100% free, always.
Anyway, enjoy!
And remember to always stock on Field Supplies
Sunday, 31 March 2019
State of the Game - March
Hello guys. Today it'll be quick.
A) My HDD got busted. Thankfully, I had fresh backup on spare disc, so it had no impact on development pace. Unfortunately, it will have impact on immediate quality of the game, since I lost my carefully modded Honey Select :( CG for all H-scenes is complete, so there's no problem on that, but first release will have some placeholder images there and there, unfortunately :(
B) Game is now fully playable from start to finish (at least one of two routes), but still needs some testing - at least one more playthrough.
C) To be more precise, one playthrough from my side amounts to +- 10 h. If coupled with time necessary to iron bugs (another 10 h?) and compared to my free time, I'd estimate the game won't be released at least until 7-8th April (and only if I don't find anything major to fix again). I'm sorry, guess I got overly optimistic in last diary again.
Hope to see you again soon!
A) My HDD got busted. Thankfully, I had fresh backup on spare disc, so it had no impact on development pace. Unfortunately, it will have impact on immediate quality of the game, since I lost my carefully modded Honey Select :( CG for all H-scenes is complete, so there's no problem on that, but first release will have some placeholder images there and there, unfortunately :(
B) Game is now fully playable from start to finish (at least one of two routes), but still needs some testing - at least one more playthrough.
C) To be more precise, one playthrough from my side amounts to +- 10 h. If coupled with time necessary to iron bugs (another 10 h?) and compared to my free time, I'd estimate the game won't be released at least until 7-8th April (and only if I don't find anything major to fix again). I'm sorry, guess I got overly optimistic in last diary again.
Hope to see you again soon!
Sunday, 17 February 2019
State of the Game - February
Hello again guys, in what is probably last State of the Game post before release. Those three weeks since last post were very fruitful. First of all, the mechanics of the game are finally fully implemented*. Second, I started writing H-scenes - three are already done, (at least) seven more are to follow. See that number to the right? Yeah, my estimates were correct, Divinion will be only slightly shorter than entire The Dark Lord Rises :)
Current ETA of the game is mid-March. Might be sooner, if I find no game-breaking bugs, but I think it's a safe estimate.
Current ETA of the game is mid-March. Might be sooner, if I find no game-breaking bugs, but I think it's a safe estimate.
Thursday, 31 January 2019
State of the Game - January
Hello everyone! I'm on fire today (finally some holidays, yay!) , so I'll make it quick:
-Just now I've finished main story of Divinion. This means I can finally move to some basic testing and applying flavour there and there. There are still some parts of the game (namely, H-scenes, quests related to them and some lore) that require input, but main work is finally done. Yay!
-I realized only now, but Divinion will probably be as long as at least two chapters (so two-thirds) of The Dark Lord Rises. And of higher quality too!
-Writing climax to this arc took me entire two days. It's long, epic and I'll probably have to spend another day just testing it :(
-If you don't remember what happened in TDLR, there's no need to replay the game to remind yourself of characters and lore . There'll be in-game encyclopedia containing interesting bits about characters, locations and other concepts Renan & co. encountered during their adventures.
-Oh right: some members of Alba class will finally make their come back!
That will be all for today. Traditionally, catch some screenshots, just to increase your appetite.
-Just now I've finished main story of Divinion. This means I can finally move to some basic testing and applying flavour there and there. There are still some parts of the game (namely, H-scenes, quests related to them and some lore) that require input, but main work is finally done. Yay!
-I realized only now, but Divinion will probably be as long as at least two chapters (so two-thirds) of The Dark Lord Rises. And of higher quality too!
-Writing climax to this arc took me entire two days. It's long, epic and I'll probably have to spend another day just testing it :(
-If you don't remember what happened in TDLR, there's no need to replay the game to remind yourself of characters and lore . There'll be in-game encyclopedia containing interesting bits about characters, locations and other concepts Renan & co. encountered during their adventures.
-Oh right: some members of Alba class will finally make their come back!
That will be all for today. Traditionally, catch some screenshots, just to increase your appetite.
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